понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


Mumax3 GPU perfomance for 2D simulations containing 4 million cells. Features Landau-Lifshitz micromagnetic formalism Magnetostatic field Heisenberg exchange Arbitrary inter-region exchange like RKKY coupling Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction Spin-transfer torque Zhang-Li and Slonczewski Uniaxial and cubic magnetocrystalline anisotropy Thermal fluctuations Brown Voronoi tessellation Time- and space dependent material parameters Arbitrary complex excitation field, current Simulation window can automatically follow a moving domain wall Edge charges can be removed to simulate an infinitely long geometry Optional 1D, 2D or 3D periodic boundary conditions web GUI mumax 3 includes a browser-based user interface that lets you follow a running simulation or modify it on-the-fly, be it on your local machine or remotely. You are free to modify and distribute the source code under the GPLv3 licence. The code is written and maintained by Arne Vansteenkiste. You also need to use nVIDIA's proprietary graphics driver, which may already be installed on your system. mumax

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Features Landau-Lifshitz micromagnetic formalism Magnetostatic field Muamx exchange Arbitrary inter-region exchange like RKKY coupling Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction Spin-transfer torque Zhang-Li and Slonczewski Uniaxial and cubic magnetocrystalline anisotropy Thermal fluctuations Brown Voronoi tessellation Time- and space dependent material parameters Arbitrary complex excitation field, current Simulation window can automatically follow a moving domain wall Edge charges can be removed to simulate an infinitely long geometry Optional 1D, 2D or 3D periodic boundary conditions web GUI mumax 3 includes a browser-based user interface that lets you follow a running simulation or modify it on-the-fly, be it on your local machine or remotely.

Citations and licence If you use mumax in any work or publication, we kindly ask you to cite: Questions are welcome on the mumax mailing list. Web interface can view and set parameters on-the-fly.


Features Landau-Lifshitz micromagnetic formalism Magnetostatic field Heisenberg exchange Arbitrary inter-region exchange like RKKY coupling Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction Spin-transfer torque Zhang-Li and Slonczewski Uniaxial and cubic magnetocrystalline anisotropy Thermal fluctuations Brown Voronoi tessellation Time- and space dependent material parameters Arbitrary complex excitation field, current Simulation window can automatically follow a moving domain wall Edge charges can be removed to simulate an infinitely long geometry Optional 1D, 2D mumaz 3D periodic boundary conditions.

The benchmark below may guide your GPU choice.

Van Waeyenberge at Ghent University. You are free to modify and distribute the source code under the GPLv3 licence. Mumax3 GPU mmumax for 2D simulations containing 4 million cells.


Mumax 3 is cross-platform and runs on Linux, Windows and Mac platforms. The code is written and maintained by Arne Vansteenkiste.

A speed-up of the order of x compared to CPU-based simulations can easily be reached, even with relatively inexpensive gaming GPUs.


You also need to use nVIDIA's proprietary graphics driver, which may already be installed on your system. Web interface showing the spatial magnetization.

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