пятница, 14 февраля 2020 г.


Even trinitarian scholars acknowledge that the "us" in Genesis 1: The Emphatic Diaglott and John 1: For example, at Luke Thus for loved the God the world, so that the son of himself the only-begotten he gave, that every one who believing into him, not may be destroyed, but may have life age-lasting. The Society bought the translation and in had it printed by someone else and then in on its own presses. The Society published the Diaglott in , and later had the type reset for publication on its own presses in , with an additional printing in diaglott

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I wish I knew what that meant - is the greek in the Diaglott the word for word greek in the Vatican Manuscript??


Additionally, all through the Bible -- thousands of times -- he speaks of himself as "I" and "me". But why do we need interpretation for plain statements?

The Emphatic Diaglott and John 1:1

Certainly, God the Father is not also the "only-begotten god in the bosom position of [himself]". Russell was only 12 years old and 15 years before the first issue of The Watchtower appeared. Never do we speak of God as "they" or "them".


I wonder if it would be the intentional understanding by John just to say Jesus was "a god"? How can one argue another person's experience or views?

The English in the right hand column is based on Griesbach, the Vatican Manuscript and the renderings of others.


This page was last edited on 27 Julyat The Watch Tower Society sold the Diaglott inexpensively offering it free of charge from[4] making it non-viable for others to print until the depletion of that inventory. I'm glad I siaglott raised a witness to at least not to have to deal with the false trinity doctrine. It's useless to argue that there are a few places where the Son is called God doaglott the Holy Spirit is called God, when there are instances of where angels, Moses, and the judges of Israel are also called God, mainly because they spoke for God, they spoke in God's name and they spoke by God's authority just as Jesus does.

The Emphatic Diaglott and John

The Emphatic Diaglott is a diaglot, or two-language polyglot translationof the New Testament by Benjamin Wilsonfirst published in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The Emphatic Diaglott was completed inwhen Charles T.

The Society bought the translation and in had it printed by someone else and then in on its own presses. I agree that the Trinity is based upon interpretation.

The Emphatic Diaglott

It is an interlinear translation with the original Greek text and a word-for-word English translation in the left column, and a full English translation in the right column. It includes illustrative and explanatory footnotes, references, and an alphabetical appendix.

Note that the English translation of Luke If he constantly speaks of himself as "I" and "me", why should we interpret him to mean "we Three" and "us Three"? Even trinitarian scholars acknowledge that the "us" in Genesis 1: Besides "begotten" has "created" written all over it as well.

Charles Taze Russellthen president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Societyapproached Wilson's family via a third party and obtained the copyright, and at some later point, the plates. In the copyright to the Diaglott expired and it came into the public domain.

He compiled it from various manuscripts. The Trinity doctrine, therefore, as I see it, is clearly reaching.

The Emphatic Diaglott

Having been raised a witness, I am familiar with all the bible verses that do not support the trinity. The public domain status of The Emphatic Diaglott has made it a popular online translation. For example, at Luke In a few verses he calls Jesus the "only-begotten god in the bosom position of the Father"; that sounds like "a god. The Greek text is that of Johann Jakob Griesbach. God says he has only one soul just as we do, not three.

The Society published the Diaglott indiagpott later had the type reset for publication on its own presses inwith an additional printing in

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