понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


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The Magic Cafe Forums - Alakazam presents "Biokinesis" by Berk Eratay

Share This Page Tweet. Seems like it would be fun.

biokinesis by berk erata

Pure Marked Playing Cards - Demo 2. Magic Creator, and magician for KreatorsOfficial. GJul 27, Yes, my password is: Gina Miller leaves the Supreme Court.

Berk Eratay - Biokinesis | theory11 forums

Shop with confidence thanks to our Price Matching Policy. Jun 2, Messages: More from World Of Magic. Some see invisible people.

biokinesis by berk erata

And then whenever you choose you can close your eyes come out of the trance and your eyes are totally back to normal You really have to see this in action to understand how amazing this actually looks.

It was the talk of MindVention and this is the first time Berk has ever revealed the full secrets behind this miracle. I have a hard time brrk putting eye drops in lol the effect looks awesome though!!!! He probably only had it up for a limited time. This page was created in 0. The correct set up.

I'm a big fan of really messing with peoples minds and really psyking them out and this is a dead cert berl me. The eyes turning white would represent the precise moment the thought transference occurred.

Magic Tricks

The Truth About Mentalism Magic: No, create an account now. JamieD Inner circle London Posts. However I wouldnt be suprised if this would interest an amateur filmmaker.

biokinesis by berk erata

Click here for Magicians Austin Mentalist Performance https: Biokinesis is the ability to use kinetic energy to rearrange or control the genes in your own body. Well heres the thing the trick has to many risked involed you should probably buy another effect this ones a little pricy for nothing.

Barring a few lighting issues, the DVD biokkinesis a solid product as far as quality goes, and the teaching is pretty solid too. I often hear that there's nothing new in magic. Bby time Magician Location: You can spend it on anything you like at Penguin, just like cash.

Berk Eratay - Biokinesis

Aug 10, Messages: Dry Roasted by G. I would say this effect would suit those with either a dark and mysterious persona, or those magicians who would love to say, "Check it out!

Mentalism at its best! Believe me this will freak out even the most cynical of spectators.

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